Friday, January 11, 2008

"I can do hard things!"

Well, I have three hours to do a massive load of homework before I go to work, but I just wanted to share my two resolutions.

1. On my friend Laresa's page she shared the idea of adopting a word or phrase into your life for a year to remind you of what to work on for that year with yourself. I really liked hers from last year, so I'm going to borrow it as it fits in with everything I'm going through. The phrase is "I can do hard things." I don't think I've ever realized how hard it would be to balance church, school, work, and marriage, but I'm learning quick that if you don't find a balance you're sure to fail. I really want to succeed in the RN program, be involved in my ward, work at least 20 hours a week while in school, and get sealed in the Rexburg Temple in August. So I think this year, I will have to keep reminding myself that "I can do hard things!"

2. I really like helping people and picking up the shifts at work or staying late to make our store look nice. I got a call late last night and agreed to pick up someone's 8hour shift today, but as I woke up today around 8:00AM and pulled out my books, the stress I'm taking on overcame my body and tears welled my eyes. I have so much to do and not enough time, so Jack made a comment that I've heard before, but never took seriously. He said 'You've got to learn that it's okay to say "no".' I have such a hard time telling people 'no' when something is asked of me, especially because I'm newly married and we can use the extra money anytime. So this year, I will work hard and take on what I can, but I WILL learn in 2008 that I can say 'no' if it keeps my body internally and externally balanced.



Valencia said...

You are amazing, Erika, and yes, you can do hard things. You have done them before and you've come through a shining winner. I will always treasure the memories of your senior year and the example you were to me...after 3 years of high school sports you broke your leg and then your arm your senior year within weeks of each other. How did you react? You did not give up and you not only played soccer when the season rolled around but you were captain! And scored a turkey in one of the first games of the seasons!! You are amazing! I love you--yes, you can do hard things--and quite well at that! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I agree Erika!
You can do hard things!
It takes a little bit to learn the art of balancing so many demands in life at one time, but it sounds like you are doing just fine!
hang in there girl...It's all worth it.

campbell said...

Erika, I wish I figured out that balance when I was a young married gal. But everyday I have to remind myself too of what to do and what to say "no" to. When you have those bad days though "I can do hard things" sure came in handy.

Valencia said...

A hat trick, not a turkey!!! Mommy had a brain fart! Haha! I did beat you at bowling though, the first time I beat you at anything in sports!!