Friday, January 25, 2008

Another New-ish Start (Sorry no pictures)

Yesterday I received news at my job that they are going to hire a full-time cashier. This job was offered to me a few weeks ago, but I declined because it meant quitting school to have open availability. Because I could not accept the position, my hours were going to be cut to 10 hours a week and as many of you know, a newly married girl can't get by on that pay cut. So I went to Horkley's (my old job, it's a video rental store combined with a gas station) to grab a Mountain Dew and they had posted a Help Wanted sign. I knew the pay was really low, as are all of the jobs in Rexburg because college students will work for minimum wage. I asked the manager if I were to reapply how many hours she could give me. She said 25 to 30 hours. I hadn't feel the weight lift off of my shoulders that way in quite some time. For all you math whizzes out there, I decided to take the $1 pay cut and get twice the hours. It was really sad taking my resignation into Big 5 this morning, but the manager said she would mark my final papers and rehire-able and I could come to them if I need some extra hours this summer. I never had real jobs in high school, and while this is retail, I learned a very important lesson today. A lesson of leaving my job dignified and respected and I know that I can get great recommendation from any of those managers. Also, I learned that going to school is hard, but I don't want to be writing this same story ten years from now. I can't wait to have my RN and for Jack to finish school as well. It's hard right now, but I still feel like we're really blessed.


Connie said...

It IS hard but so very worth it.
As long as you have an honest work ethic you can accomplish anything and you are off to a great start!!!

campbell said...

I am so proud of you. You go girl! You look back at this in 10 years and go wow look what I accomplished. Hang in there!

Valencia said...

You're learning some of the most valuable lessons of your life right now and I am so very proud of you, Erika. Yes, you hang in there and you'll do so well in the years to come. Keep your eyes and your heart on your goal -- you'll attain it quicker than you think. I love you and hope you and Jack have a great weekend.