Sunday, February 3, 2008

For those who haven't heard:

Please keep Jack and I in your prayers. I got into a car accident yesterday and we were sharing a car so right now we have no transportation. I wasn't speeding, I was just on a really icy road and my car slid into the other lane and I hit a Chevy Tahoe. Luckily no one was hurt, except the cars look really bad. I am extremely sore today, so after church and lunch with Jack's parents, I've just been resting. My classes are really hard and I can't make it to school tomorrow because it is a thirty minute commute, so I am just really worried about falling behind. I know I am living right and everything will work out, but please keep us in your prayers right now.


Valencia said...

I am so grateful that you are okay, Erika, that's the important thing. The rest will work out. You are in my thoughts every second and I love you more than life. Things can be replaced...I am here for you and it broke my heart that I couldn't get to you last night and Joanne was our angel. Get some rest and I'll talk to you shortly. I love you.

campbell said...

Oh, I hate those icy road stories. Sounds like you are o.k. that is what is important. take care. And remember you can do hard things. :)

The Spradley's @ Shivers Green Rd said...

I hate to hear about your accident, but I am glad to hear you are ok. I think about you often and love hearing from you!!
Take care of yourself!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are okay!

Connie said...

Consider the prayers done! Glad you are okay! Things have a way of working out so I know you'll get back to school soon! Sending love your way!

Christy Peake said...

Hang in there. You and Jack will certainly be in our prayers. Stumbling blocks will only make you stronger. Just stick togther. Like you wise mom said, "things can be replaced." So glad you are well and safe.

ginger said...

I'm so glad you're okay Erika!! Love you lots and things will work out!! You just have to have faith that they will! Miss you and it was good talking to you Thursday!!