Monday, February 4, 2008

Small update

Well, my back still hurts, but things are looking up. I got two hours of sleep last night and Jack's mom let us use her car so I could get to school. I was terrified because I had to give a 35-45 minute presentation, but after much studying and prayer, I pulled it off and I'm confident I got an A. I really appreciate everyone's comments and thoughts and prayers. I have had such a hard week, but I am very blessed and our insurance is going to take care of damages as long as we pay the deductable. (It's not cheap, but in comparison to what we would be paying, we are definitely in better shape than I could've hoped for after this horrible situation.) Jack is still not going to let me drive for a while..can't say I blame him. We were both really scared and he ran on foot to where my car was. Heavenly Father is definitely looking out for all of us, Jack and I are so thankful to have so many blessings and people who care about us.

1 comment:

Valencia said...

Congrats on your presentation! I know you did a great job! Keep up the good work and I'm so happy and grateful all our prayers were answered. I love you!