Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy 4th of July and a Little More Fun!

This year for 4th of July, we took Leighton to Jonesborough Days about 15 minutes from our house. It was so much fun! Leighton 's favorite parts were the petting zoo and the bubbles! We got to spend time with some fun friends, I need to take more pictures of all of the cool people we've met here, but I usually just get pictures of all the kids! After Jonesborough Days, we made a last minute trip to SC and got to see family there. Leighton had a blast playing with Spencer, Andrew, and Carson... and we're all excited for her to have a little girl cousin in a few months!
These pictures are from a couple of weeks ago when we had a barbeque with a bunch of couples from our ward! Leighton and two of her friends, Londyn and Hollidae, were all born in the same week. Madalyn(the blonde cutie) is just a few months younger. Leighton loves playing with her friends and they always have to do ring around the rosie before they go home!
The Splash Pad is just another fun [and free] activity we've been introduced to! It's about 20 mins away, but Leighton really warmed up to it after a bit... the kid is really becoming a fish! I love her smile here because I kept trying to get a picture and she was trying to snack, so this one may have been out of sheer frustration! Ha!
Our main activity lately has been swimming at Boone Dam, but unfortunately I have not been snap-happy with the pictures there yet. I will have to get on that! My updating has become more consistent though, so I'll have a reason to pack the camera with us! Hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July!
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Heather said...

Looks like SO much fun!!! Leighton is so stinkin cute. I love the 4th of July family picture.

lauren said...

bahaha, LOVE the cheese face! and YAY for collages! They're all so cute.